Release v0.8.3-3
  • Release Date: May 31, 2023.
  • Deployed in Helm chart release 0.1.29
Bug fixes
  • Add logging for error handling when an invalid IP/netmask has been provisioned for a carrier
  • Fix twilio pre-seed data, previously had an invalid CIDR
  • One account could potentially use speech creds from a different account
  • Carrier gateways are added as inactive by default which caused confusion and errors sending outbound registrations
Manually uprading on AWS

Important note: Release 0.8.3-3 has some important bug fixes (see above) for issues that you may be experiencing on a 0.8.3 deployment. If you have deployed 0.8.3 using the AWS marketoplace offering we recommend you perform the manual procedure described below to upgrade to 0.8.3-3.

First, you will need to ssh into the EC2 instance as the admin user, using the keypair that you provisioned when you launched the instance. Then change into each directory under /home/admin/apps (except jambonz-webapp) and do the following

git fetch
git checkout v0.8.3-3
npm ci

After that, change into /home/admin/apps/jambonz-webapp and do this

git stash save
git fetch
git checkout v0.8.3-3
git stash pop
npm ci
npm run build


pm2 restart /home/admin/apps.ecosystem.config.js
Release v0.8.3-1
  • Release Date: May 29, 2023.
  • Deployed in Helm chart release 0.1.28
New Features
  • Additional routing logic for outbound calls. Default to sending calls out the same carrier that delivered the associated inbound call if no other instructions are provided.
  • List phone numbers in sorted order in portal
  • Show seconds in Recent calls in portal
Bug fixes
  • Fix intermittent bug where downloaded pcap file is empty
  • Fix pause/resume commands for siprec client sessions
  • Fix for carrier selection on dial based on calling number
  • Handle missing callerId property for anonymous calls
SQL changes


Release v0.8.3
  • Release Date: May 15, 2023
  • Deployed in Helm chart release 0.1.28
New Features
  • When creating an outbound sip gateway you can additionally specify transport protocol (udp, tcp, tls, tls/srtp); previously only udp was supported #166, #82, #83
  • Added application trace view to Recent Calls detail in jambonz portal
  • Added real-time status of trunk registration (and pcap download) to jambonz portal
  • Added support for choosing between multiple outbound carriers based on digit match or regex pattern
  • Added support for Cisco Network Based Recording for agent assist-type scenarios
  • Microsoft custom voices can now be used on a per-say basis
  • New Twilio IP ranges included when using Twilio as a predefined carrier
  • Add support for anchoring media on dial verb #304
  • createCall: add a default behavior if the trunk isn't defined #230
  • Centralize configs in the code for easier maintenance #310
  • Add callerName to rest_dial and dial verb #312
  • Improved logging of commands sent over websocket to assist troubleshooting
  • System settings in jambonz portal now shows DNS names for portal, grafana, and sip endpoint #162
  • Add "Forgot password" feature to portal #218
Bug fixes
  • response to siprec invite should have a:recvonly if offer had a:sendonly
  • based on more testing default google to command_and_search for gather and latest_long for transcribe
  • Handling siprec caller and callee null #308
  • fix bug in wss requestor in the case where mysql cache is used #319
  • fix issue where multiple gathers running simultaneously #321
  • Answering machine detection (amd) supports languages other than en-US #322
  • fix nvidia speech recognition #345
  • Fix REST dial timeout #351
  • Prevent API keys from being cached by the browser #143
  • Prevent excessive login attempts to the portal #144
  • Improve filtering of recent calls #153
  • Change API response text to avoid revealing user's data #161
  • Fix admin setting issue #168
  • Fix the webapp blocking account name if exists in another service provider #229
  • Update active sip gateway #235
  • Account users should be able to add other account users #238
  • Fix X-Authenticated-User missing between SBC & FS #90
SQL changes

The following schema changes were made in this release:

ALTER TABLE `voip_carriers` ADD COLUMN `register_status` VARCHAR(4096);
ALTER TABLE `sbc_addresses` ADD COLUMN `last_updated` DATETIME;
ALTER TABLE `sbc_addresses` ADD COLUMN `tls_port` INTEGER;
ALTER TABLE `sbc_addresses` ADD COLUMN `wss_port` INTEGER;
CREATE TABLE system_information
domain_name VARCHAR(255),
sip_domain_name VARCHAR(255),
monitoring_domain_name VARCHAR(255)
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `lcr_routes`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `lcr_carrier_set_entry`;
CREATE TABLE lcr_routes
lcr_route_sid CHAR(36),
lcr_sid CHAR(36) NOT NULL,
regex VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL COMMENT 'regex-based pattern match against dialed number, used for LCR routing of PSTN calls',
description VARCHAR(1024),
priority INTEGER NOT NULL COMMENT 'lower priority routes are attempted first',
PRIMARY KEY (lcr_route_sid)
lcr_sid CHAR(36) NOT NULL UNIQUE ,
name VARCHAR(64) COMMENT 'User-assigned name for this LCR table',
default_carrier_set_entry_sid CHAR(36) COMMENT 'default carrier/route to use when no digit match based results are found.',
service_provider_sid CHAR(36),
account_sid CHAR(36),
PRIMARY KEY (lcr_sid)
CREATE TABLE lcr_carrier_set_entry
lcr_carrier_set_entry_sid CHAR(36),
workload INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 COMMENT 'represents a proportion of traffic to send through the associated carrier; can be used for load balancing traffic across carriers with a common priority for a destination',
lcr_route_sid CHAR(36) NOT NULL,
voip_carrier_sid CHAR(36) NOT NULL,
priority INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'lower priority carriers are attempted first',
PRIMARY KEY (lcr_carrier_set_entry_sid)
CREATE INDEX lcr_sid_idx ON lcr_routes (lcr_sid);
ALTER TABLE lcr_routes ADD FOREIGN KEY lcr_sid_idxfk (lcr_sid) REFERENCES lcr (lcr_sid);
CREATE INDEX lcr_sid_idx ON lcr (lcr_sid);
ALTER TABLE lcr ADD FOREIGN KEY default_carrier_set_entry_sid_idxfk (default_carrier_set_entry_sid) REFERENCES lcr_carrier_set_entry (lcr_carrier_set_entry_sid);
CREATE INDEX service_provider_sid_idx ON lcr (service_provider_sid);
CREATE INDEX account_sid_idx ON lcr (account_sid)
ALTER TABLE lcr_carrier_set_entry ADD FOREIGN KEY lcr_route_sid_idxfk (lcr_route_sid) REFERENCES lcr_routes (lcr_route_sid);
ALTER TABLE lcr_carrier_set_entry ADD FOREIGN KEY voip_carrier_sid_idxfk_3 (voip_carrier_sid) REFERENCES voip_carriers (voip_carrier_sid);
Environment variables

A new environment variable JAEGER_BASE_URL was added to the api-server process. This provides the base url for the jaeger service which is needed to retrieve application traces that are now displayed in the jambonz portal. In a jambonz-mini deployment, for instance, the ecosystem.config.js file should have:

      JAEGER_BASE_URL: '',

Similar changes would be needed for a jambonz cluster deployment (though the base url would not be For Kubernetes deployments, the helm chart version 0.1.26 has been updated with this change.

  • Available shortly on AWS Marketplace
  • Deploy to Kubernetes using this Helm chart

Thanks to all who contributed to this release!

Questions? Contact us at