Release v0.8.0

This is a major feature release.

Release Date: Feb 21, 2023

New Features
  • Completely re-written jambonz portal
  • Multi-user support in jambonz portal
  • Deepgram STT support
  • Nuance Mix STT/TTS support
  • Nvidia Riva STT/TTS support
  • IBM Watson STT/TTS support
  • option to force TTS (re)generation
  • add listen option to config verb to enable streaming of audio during conversation
  • ability to provision initial app content (eliminate overhead of initial webhook)
  • allow per-phrase boosting for google STT
  • update Simwood and Twilio gateway addresses
Bug fixes
  • performance improvements in Feature server
  • prevent 2 simultaneous background gathers
  • refer blocks if notify nor bye received
  • when closing websocket at end of call send ws code 1000
  • ACK to 487 response must have same branch in via as invite
  • reset variables like hints so that previous hints do not automatically carry over
  • proper shut down in K8S
  • switching to http webhook during a ws session
  • fix uncaught exception in certain ws reconnect scenarios
  • fixes for SIPREC pause and resume operations
SQL changes
ALTER TABLE `applications` ADD COLUMN `app_json` TEXT';
ALTER TABLE voip_carriers CHANGE register_public_domain_in_contact register_public_ip_in_contact BOOLEAN;
'alter table phone_numbers modify number varchar(132) NOT NULL UNIQUE;
CREATE TABLE permissions
permission_sid CHAR(36) NOT NULL UNIQUE ,
description VARCHAR(255),
PRIMARY KEY (permission_sid)
CREATE TABLE user_permissions
user_permissions_sid CHAR(36) NOT NULL UNIQUE ,
user_sid CHAR(36) NOT NULL,
permission_sid CHAR(36) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (user_permissions_sid)
CREATE TABLE password_settings
min_password_length INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 8,
require_digit BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT false,
require_special_character BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT false
CREATE INDEX user_permissions_sid_idx ON user_permissions (user_permissions_sid);
CREATE INDEX user_sid_idx ON user_permissions (user_sid);
ALTER TABLE user_permissions ADD FOREIGN KEY user_sid_idxfk (user_sid) REFERENCES users (user_sid) ON DELETE CASCADE;
ALTER TABLE user_permissions ADD FOREIGN KEY permission_sid_idxfk (permission_sid) REFERENCES permissions (permission_sid);
ALTER TABLE `users` ADD COLUMN `is_active` BOOLEAN NOT NULL default true;
  • Available shortly on AWS Marketplace
  • Deploy to Kubernetes using this Helm chart

Questions? Contact us at